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Saturday, February 14, 2015

{Fresh} HTC Desire 816 (A5_dug) dual sim CID__J15 CWM Nandbackup

version: 0.5
version-baseband: 1.13.3230.16.05
version-cpld: None
version-microp: None
version-main: 1.58.401.11
version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
serialno: FA4BPWW01103
imei: 352706066537792
imei2: 352706066537800
meid: 00000000000000
product: a5_dug
platform: hTCBmsm8226
modelid: 0P9C70000
cidnum: HTC__J15
battery-status: good
battery-voltage: 0mV
partition-layout: Generic
security: on
build-mode: SHIP
boot-mode: FASTBOOT
commitno-bootloader: 0392e786
hbootpreupdate: 11
gencheckpt: 0

Recovery :  Mirror

NandBackup :  Mirror

Successfully Unlocked G900AUCU2ANG3 (Hard Root Verison)

1st : I Try All Method To Root This Device But No Luck

2nd : I Reported Successfully This Method (Thanks To xda Developers)

**Make certain that your reactivation lock in security settings is off before beginning this process**

1. Take the NG3 OTA update.
2. Download and install Towelroot-v3.apk(this version does not require internet access).
3. Place your phone into "Download Mode" (press and hold the Home, Volume Down, and Power keys until the phone powers on and displays warning screen, then press Volume Up key) and flash the G900A_ND3_Stock_Kernel using Odin's PDA slot(AP in Odin v3.09+).
4. Open the Towelroot app from your app drawer and press "Make it Rain" to root your device.
5. Power off then boot into "Download Mode" again and flash the G900A_NG3_Stock_Kernel also using Odin's PDA slot(AP in Odin v3.09+).
6. Install SuperSU to manage root access. Done!

1. After flashing the ND3 kernel your phone may run a little wonky and towelroot may not root on the first try. If that happens reboot and try towelroot once again. Once rooted and after flashing the NG3 kernel your phone will once again run like a champ!
2. Following the above process will not affect your User Data or Knox Warranty Flag.
3. Should the NG3 ota update fail consider returning to stock NCE by flashing the G900A_Downgrade_to_NCE.tar using Odin's PDA slot(AP in Odin v3.09+) then taking the NG3 OTA update (or place the G900A_NCEtoNG3_OTA.zip onto your ext-sdcard and sideload from stock recovery). Once updated to NG3 continue from Step 2 above.

Alternative Method for Safestrap Users:
1. Place the G900A_NG3_100%_Stock_Rooted_ROM.zip onto your ext-sdcard.
2. Use Safestrap's Backup Function to back-up User Data.
3. From the Safestrap recovery perform an "Advanced Wipe" and wipe everything but your ext-sdcard.
4. Flash the G900A_NG3_100%_Stock_Rooted_ROM.zip using Safestrap's "Stock Slot."
5. Then press "Home" then "Restore" and restore User Data.
6. Once complete press "Home" then "Reboot" and reboot into "Download" mode.
7. Last, flash the G900A_NG3_Stock_Kernel.tar.md5 using Odin's PDA slot(AP in Odin v3.09+).

1. The G900A_NG3_100%_Stock_Rooted_ROM.zip process will update your Modem, Non-hlos, System, Kernel, and Stock Recovery to NG3 but does not include the NG3 Bootloader.

3th : 1-Go To Any Box Can Write Cert File & Select G900A WipeSecurity
2-Write Cert (I Choose G900F) & It's Unlocked